There are times that you might need to add a Header in your invoice. Again MYOB has made this maneuver very simple.
Simply enter the Sales Register and click on Sales. You’ll now have a blank invoice on your screen.
Type in the name of the client and tab through the fields until you get to the description field, click on Edit in the top Toolbar and click on Insert Header in the dropdown menu. Type in what is needed as a header, then tab and you’ll find yourself on a new line. Type in the description, then tab, and enter in the relevant account and amount.
(Note: when you have made a Header, the type colour will change to grey.)
If you want to add a Header, be sure to select this option first. If you’ve already typed in the description, select Insert Header and what you’ve already entered will disappear.
To delete a Header or Line, simply highlight either, select Edit on the top Toolbar and select Delete Line. Simple.

Video Reference: 502114
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